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  • Client : Weingut Burg Ravensburg
  • Project : Branding
  • Year : 2021
  • Disciplines
  • Packaging
  • Visual
  • Branding
  • Awards & recognitions

For the traditional an more sophisticated wine yard "Burg Ravensburg", we developed a modern branding, that adresses the younger wine lovers, to expand the reach of the current brand. We created a minimalistic new logo mark and a new product line, that is both modern and sophisticated.

The new product line "Karat" is a modern way to celebrate uniqueness. Depending on the specific character of the type of wine, we can generate a generative pattern for our design. The unique colors of the label help us to stand out from the competitors.

Rebranding a traditional Wine Yard to achieve a more young target group. 

Creative Team

  • Art DirectionAndré Kling
  • Package Design
  • Photography
  • Selected Work

Selected Work


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