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Adidas x Dekra

  • Client : DEKRA
  • Project : Employer Branding
  • Year : 2021
  • Disciplines
  • Visual
  • Packaging
  • Awards & recognitions

Looking forward to the year 2025, many companies refreshed their strategy – just like other DEKRA SE did. To represent the company's future field of business and their enviromental impact, the global management board got a meeting. We developed the new face of the "Strategy 2025" by giving it a modern and living new Branding.

As a special for the management board – we decided to bring the new business direction and the company spirit to life. So we created a special Corporate Fashion. DEKRA x Adidas bringing future to your feet and to your company. Now everyone can identify and share the loyality to the outside.

Now its time to boost your future safety. 

Creative Team

  • Art DirectionAndré Kling
  • Selected Work


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